Slack is evolving and so are we. Backupery for Slack Workspace application prior v. 1482 was based on the Slack Workspace app model which eventually becomes part of legacy technology. Instead of the Workspace app model, Slack offers a new, more robust and secure app model sometimes called the Granular Permissions model. Backupery for Slack Workspace v. 1482 and above completely supports this model. However, there is no entirely seamless way to migrate from the deprecated Backupery for Slack Workspace app to the new one, so the migration process requires some interactions. Please also note, that Workspace apps will retire in August 2021 so you should perform the migration before as the application will not work correctly after that date.
Here is how to upgrade your Backupery for Slack Workspace app.
- Download and install the new app over your current installation.
- As the new Backupery for Slack Workspace app represents the new Slack application, it is necessary to install the new Slack app into the workspace first. Go to the What to Export tab and press the “Sign In to Slack” button to add the new app to the workspace:
- Public and Private Channels export setup. In order to export the channels, the setup routine is completely the same as for the previous version of Backupery for Slack Workspace: you should add the new app to those channels by the “/invite” command or using the app settings. You can read here about how to do that.
- Direct Messages and Group Direct Messages export setup. There is a difference between setting up the previous and the new version of the app for the DMs export. Now, in order to export any Direct Messages or Group Direct Messages, it is necessary to install a separate Slack app called Backupery for Slack Assistant by any member of the conversation. Backupery for Slack Workspace communicates with the installed Backupery for Slack Assistant applications and exports Direct Messages and Group Direct Messages by means of the installed assistant apps.
To install Backupery for Slack Assistant, a user should follow this shareable URL:,im:read,mpim:history,mpim:read,files:read
It is also possible to just press the following button:or simply press the “Add to Slack” button on the Backupery for Slack Assistant page:
Please note, installing Backupery for Slack Assistant app grants Backupery for Slack Workspace access to all Direct Messages and Group Direct Messages of the installing user, so a single app installation per user is enough.
- After making the necessary setup described above, you are ready to start the export. Just press the “Export now” button to start the export process.
- You may also remove the previous instance of the obsolete “Backupery for Slack Workspace (dep)” app from your workspace as it is not used anymore.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.