
We are glad to announce a new application in our Backupery family – Backupery for Google Photos.

Backupery for Google Photos is a tool to make automatic and regular backups of Google Photos to the destination of your choice: directory on your computer, external disk drive, NAS (Network Attached Storage), USB stick, network share, cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.

Along with essential Backupery features, the application’s main features are:

    • No Additional Software Required
      No additional desktop software needed to perform backup of Google Photos with Backupery application. All data is transferred directly from Google Photos services.
    • Backup Photos and Videos
      Backupery for Google Photos backups all of your Google Photos data: photos and videos from all of your Google Photos albums, including those photos and videos that haven’t been added to any specific album.
    • No Google Username or Password Required
      Backupery for Google Photos uses standart way to authenticate (OAuth 2.0) and communicate with Google Photos, so you don’t need to share your Google username and password with Backupery application.
    • Easy to Access Backup Data
      Backupery for Google Photos keeps photos and videos in their original formats and doesn’t perform any additional processing of the stored data, so no additional tools are required to access your photos and videos.


Download fully functional free trial https://www.backupery.com/products/backupery-for-google-photos/

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, just let us know, we are listening!

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