Terms of Service

Backupery provides backupery.com and its related software and services (”Service”) subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”) set forth below. Use of this website, software, or services constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as your waiver of any and all claims against Backupery. Backupery reserves the …

Why is the Backupery for Slack app not approved by Slack?

During the installation of the Backupery for Slack app to a Slack workspace, you may notice the following yellow banner: The warning message is removed by Slack if the app is added to Slack App Directory. However, Slack policy states that they does not accept apps that export or backup message data: The policy text …

How to export Slack data using Backupery for Slack Cloud

In this article, we are going to show you how to export Slack data with the help of Backupery for Slack Cloud application. The complete app description is here, so in this post, we are going to focus on how to use the application. 1. Add Backupery for Slack to your workspace Navigate to https://cloud.backupery.com/ and press the …