100 the most recent messages in each channel are displayed.
10 the most recent files in each channel are displayed.
My improv group’s whole slack workspace has maybe 1000 messages in it, but some channels have more than 100.
Is there no intermediate license for such a use case that doesn’t cost $160?
My improv group’s whole slack workspace has maybe 1000 messages in it, but some channels have more than 100.
Is there no intermediate license for such a use case that doesn’t cost $160?
Thank you for your message! Please check your email.
I’m in the same boat, pretty much the same amount of messages as Bill above…
Hi Sam! Thank you for your message. Please check your email.
Sounds like this is a similar issue to what I am currently encountering as well. Is there any alternative license available?
Hi Anthony!
Backupery for Slack Export has a single licensing option: https://www.backupery.com/products/backupery-for-slack-export/
Could you please let me know if it works for you or if you have any other questions?